Thursday, August 29, 2013

Youth Group Kickoff

Church Youth

v  YOUTH LED SERVICE…Come join the FUMC Youth Group on Sunday, September 15 as they lead worship and share the special music and lessons that were shared during their mission trip to Colorado.  They will also be sharing pictures and telling about the mission work that was done during the Week of Hope.  Join the group following service downstairs in West Fellowship Hall for some fellowship and a longer slide show of what the group did while in Colorado.

v  Youth Group KickoffCalling All 7th –12th Grade Students...Come join the fun of FUMC Youth.  We will be having a kickoff celebration on Sunday, September 15 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.  We will meet at the church but will head out for some offsite fun and we will have pizza.  Come see what the fun is about and begin helping to plan our 2013/2014 events.  Invite your friends!!


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