Thursday, December 5, 2013


The annual FUMC Children's Christmas Program will take place during Sunday service on December 15 at 9:30 am. Join us for this special event as the children help tell the message of Christmas.  There will be refreshments served by the youth in West Fellowship Hall immediately following the program. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

KHS National Honor Society

17 inducted into KHS National Honor Society Chapter

Knoxville — Congratulations to Ben Reichert, Madison Chrisman, and Gerritt Davis,  members of the of the Knoxville HIgh School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Chapter Sponsor Matt Heston told a crowd gathered at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center last night that this is the 84th year of the NHS being a part of Knoxville. Students are chosen for the society based upon scholarship, leadership, character and citizenship.
To be considered, a student must have a 3.25 cumulative grade point average. There were 58 students eligible at KHS based upon this statistic.
Students are then asked to write an essay and KHS faculty have input into the final selection of new members. Heston told the new members that this is a high honor, one that will open doors for them in the next few years.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Church Youth meeting Schedule

  • Sunday, November 10 – 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, November 17 – 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, December   1 - 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, December   8 - 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, December 15 - 4 to 6 pm

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Church Youth Hayride

"F.U.N. on the Farm:" Wiener Roast and Hay Ride
The church youth and their friends on a FUN hayrack ride.

Monday, October 7, 2013


First Church – United Methodist Basketball Academy

November 4 – January 15
Grades 5 & 6 – Any skill level encouraged to participate

Boys session Monday & Wednesdays
Girls session Tuesdays & Thursdays
3:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Memorial Hall
Christian environment with fun & fellowship
Teaching basketball skills and good character!

Transportation from school is available—indicate necessity on
Registration form

Director:  Joel Johnson, KHS Varsity Baseball & former Varsity Girls Basketball Coach

5th/6th Grade – 2013 

REGISTRATION FORM               
Need Transportation?   Yes / No

Participant Information:

Name:  ______________________________________

Gender:  Boy / Girl

Address:  ____________________________ 
City: ___________________ 
Zip: ____________

Phone: __________________ 
Email: ________________________________(print clearly)

T-shirt Size:  ______________ 
                      Adult: S-XXL  Youth: S-XL
Last Name for Shirt Back _______________________________

Emergency Contact Information:
Name:  ___________________________________________ Relationship:_______________________
Phone:  ________________ Please indicate any allergies(snacks will be provided) or medical problems staff should be aware of:  ________________________________________________________________________

Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk
The use of the premises, facilities, equipment, and services at Knoxville First United Methodist Church naturally involves risk of injury to you or your guest, whether you or someone else cause it.  As such, you understand and voluntarily accept this risk and agree that Knoxville First United Methodist Church will not be liable for any injury, including, without limitation, personal, bodily, or mental injury, economic loss or any damage to you, your spouse, guests, unborn child, or relatives resulting from the negligence of Knoxville First United Methodist Church or anyone on Knoxville First United Methodist Church’s behalf or anyone using the facilities. 

Picture Release
I hereby give my consent to let my child be photographed for use by the Knoxville First United Methodist Church to be used in newspaper or other media.  No names except First United Methodist Church will be used.
___________________                 __________________________________________
Date                                                                        Signature of Parent or Guardian

COST:  $25.00           
Mail or deliver to church office or bring to orientation meeting on Sunday, October 27 at 5:30 p.m., basement of First United Methodist Church.  Checks payable to First United Methodist Church.

Scholarships available upon request based on economic need and hardship.  Please contact Joel Johnson at, or call 641-891-9739, or stop by church office. 

Please attend an orientation meeting Sunday, October 27 at 5:30 p.m., basement of First United Methodist Church, 313 East Montgomery.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


 3rd Graders Receiving Their Bibles

Here are some of the 3rd Graders receiving their Bibles Sunday, Oct. 6th.  An interesting fact was attached to each wrapping of paper around each Bible of which there were several colored wrappings on each Bible.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Youth in the News

Who is this Good looking Dude - congratulations to the Homecoming court!
Journal photo

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Youth Group Kickoff

Church Youth

v  YOUTH LED SERVICE…Come join the FUMC Youth Group on Sunday, September 15 as they lead worship and share the special music and lessons that were shared during their mission trip to Colorado.  They will also be sharing pictures and telling about the mission work that was done during the Week of Hope.  Join the group following service downstairs in West Fellowship Hall for some fellowship and a longer slide show of what the group did while in Colorado.

v  Youth Group KickoffCalling All 7th –12th Grade Students...Come join the fun of FUMC Youth.  We will be having a kickoff celebration on Sunday, September 15 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.  We will meet at the church but will head out for some offsite fun and we will have pizza.  Come see what the fun is about and begin helping to plan our 2013/2014 events.  Invite your friends!!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Children’s Church

Children’s Church

The next Children’s Church will take place on Sunday, Sept 8th at the 9:30 a.m. service. Children’s Church will be the children dismissed after the children’s time to go down stairs for 30 minutes of story, crafts, and games. The kids can be picked up downstairs after the church service. This will be an extended learning time for children ages 2 through 5th grade.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Save the Date

Join us on
Sunday, September 15 at 9 am
as the FUMC Youth will be leading the worship service.

They will be sharing testimonies from their Week of Hope in Colorado.  Following the Service the Youth will also share the more fun-side of the week. 

Youth will be kicking off again in September so watch for more details in next month’s newsletter.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Twin Cedars to the State Tournament

Photo: We just want to say how proud we are of this team. Great effort today. Thanks for the outstanding season, Sabers!
Congratulations to the Twin Cedars and Ottis Roby on a great season!

We just want to say how proud we are of this team. Great effort today. Thanks for the outstanding season, Sabers!

Week of Hope in Colorado

We made it! Bring on Week of Hope!!
Join us on Sunday, September 15

   YOUTH LED SERVICE…Come join the FUMC Youth Group on Sunday, September 15 as they lead worship and share the special music and lessons that were shared during their mission trip to Colorado.  They will also be sharing pictures and telling about the mission work that was done during the Week of Hope.  Join the group following service downstairs in West Fellowship Hall for some fellowship and a longer slide show of what the group did while in Colorado.

v  Youth Group Kickoff…Calling All 7th –12th Grade Students...Come join the fun of FUMC Youth.  We will be having a kickoff celebration on Sunday, September 15 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.  We will meet at the church but will head out for some offsite fun and we will have pizza.  Come see what the fun is about and begin helping to plan our 2013/2014 events.  Invite your friends!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”” -Matthew 19:14


is going on




We will not be having VBS on Wednesday, July 24 due to RAGBRAI.  VBS is starting each night at 5:30 with a meal served in West Fellowship Hall and will continue from 6:00 to 8:15 with Bible stories, games, and crafts.  Please invite your kids, grandkids, neighbors and friends to come join this fun event where kids get to know Jesus. 

The mission project for VBS this year is “Imagine No Malaria”. Kids will learn how malaria affects lives every day and how we can help prevent it from spreading.  Every 30 seconds, an innocent child in Africa dies of malaria.  A loving daughter, a future doctor, a beloved grandson, a best friend – malaria takes more than 1 million lives each year.  Malaria is preventable, treatable, and beatable.  Making a gift of just $10 will buy a net to protect an entire family in Africa with 100% of contributions to this ministry going to the fight against malaria.  If you would like to donate please indicate “imagine no malaria” in the memo of your check or on a love envelope. 

We will also be having some special theme nights as are listed below:
o        Sunday – "Jesus is our friend!"                                     Come as you are to the FIESTA -

o        Monday -  "Jesus is our life!"
 FIESTA Hat Night – Wear your wildest hat -
o        Tuesday – " Jesus is our Leader"
 FIESTA Flip Flops – Wear your funniest flip flops


Thursday - "Jesus is my Savior"
                    FIESTA Sunglasses – Wear your wildest sunglasses

Friday -   Last night ov VBS
– FIESTA wear –Wear your best party outfit

The week will conclude on Friday night at 8:00 p.m. with a short program.  We encourage all our VBS participants to come back with their families and join us on Sunday, July 28 for a special performance during our 9:00 a.m. worship service.  Registration forms are available on page 8 of this newsletter and can be dropped off at the church office.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Colorado Here We Come

FUMC Youth ready to go to Colorado! See everyone in a week after our Week of Hope.
FUMC Youth ready to go to Colorado! See everyone in a week after our Week of Hope.
We made it! Bring on Week of Hope!!

Are we there yet?? So bored with Nebraska that they all fell asleep. Then waved at all the cars.
Big Red Country

Are we there yet?? So bored with Nebraska that they all fell asleep. Then waved at all the cars.
Bye mom - Youth are officially in Colorado!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Ø June 2nd – 4 to 6pm meet at church
Ø June 9th – 4 to 6 pm meet at the church.
Ø June 16th - Youth are expected to be at church at 9 am. No meeting in afternoon – spend time with your Dad and family

Monday, April 29, 2013

Denver here we come

 MAY 10 -  Youth Auction for the Denver Youth trip was very successfull.  Thanks to all who came for the meal and especially those who stayed and supported the youth at the auction.

 wE MaDE oUR gOaL - OuR Trip IS NoW pAiD FoR - tHaNKs For mAkiNg iT PoSsiBle!!! 

Don"t work us tooo Hard! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Goodies for sale
The Youth going to Colorado this summer are having a bake sale Sunday April 21st.  Between services.  Just think no baking that weekend!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Youth Activities


It is that time of year again when the Education Cluster gathers the names of all graduating high school seniors. If you are or know someone within our church that will be graduating in May please let Heather in the office know so that we can make sure we have the entire list.


Believe it or not it is time to start planning VBS! If you would like to help plan our FIESTA this year please let Julie Purvis or Katie Bishop know. Planning meetings will begin in May but we are trying to put together our initial list of helpers. Thanks!!


April 7 – 4:00-6:00 p.m.

April 14 – 4:00-6:00 p.m.

April 21 – 4:00-6:00 p.m.


All youth attending the mission trip to Denver need to attend a meeting on Sunday, April 7 at 3 pm with at least one parent. We will be going over the online forms that have to be filled out by each person. The group will also be discussing the big fundraiser in May.



The annual preschool catalog fundraiser will be available to order from in the church office. Everything from snacks and goodies to spring flowers for your garden. Orders are due by Friday April 12.


The whole church and the community are asked to save the date of Friday, May 10. More details will come next month but the Youth are planning a fun and exciting night with a meal, live auction, and other entertainment to raise funds for the Denver Mission Trip.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Good Friday Camp

Pictures from camp

The tomb was empty

Friday, March 8, 2013

Goodies for sale


Come Sunday, March 17 between services and get your St. Patrick’s Day treats and support the youth as they prepare for their mission trip to Denver, Colorado.

Good Friday Day Camp

 3 years through 5th grade - You can pre-register now


Camp will start at 9:00 am and run till noon
***Volunteers are still needed to help with Good Friday Day Camp from 9:00 to Noon on March 29th. Please sign up on the clipboard if you are available to help.***

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We have a new Eagle Scout

Alex Purvis recently received the Eagle Scout award which is the highest rank attainable in  the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America.   

  Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men.  The title of Eagle Scout which Alex holds is held for life, thus giving rise to the phrase "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle."

Alex was required to earn at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating the Scout Spirit through the Boy Scout Oath and Law, service, and leadership.  This included his extensive service project with designing, planning, organizing, leading, and managing the construction of a handcapped accessable fishing dock.  Alex was presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes his accomplishments in the Scouting program.  He can continue to earn Eagle Palms, which are awarded for completing additional tenure, leadership, and merit badge requirements. 


Friday, February 1, 2013

Youth through Easter:


· March 10 – 4 to 6

· March 17 – 4 to 6 (Possibly 3 to 7 with trip to Wesley Woods’ Ignite Program)

· March 24 – No Youth – Have a safe Spring Break!!

· March 31 – No Youth – Happy Easter!!


On Sunday, February 10 the Youth will be holding a pop can drive from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the church garage on 4th Street.
  Bring your cans anytime between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. or call Brian and Katie Bishop at 828-6933 if you need someone to pick up the cans.

All proceeds will be going toward the Youth Mission Trip to Denver.


Youth Bake Sale

   Thanks to everyone that supported our first bake sale!! 
   The Youth will be holding bake sales on February 17 and again on March 17.
    Make plans now to get some awesome home-made goodies on those days!!! If you have any special requests make sure to tell a youth member!!
  Proceeds from the bake sales are going to the Mission Trip to Denver.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Let the Concert Begin!

Photo: Youth @Winter Jam!! Ready for some good music.
FUM Youth at the Winter Jam Concert

A great night of music with a great group of kids!! Winter Jam 2013... with Courtney O'Field and Bailey Vandekamp  
aND IT diddddddddd!

A great night of music with a great group of kids!! Winter Jam 2013... with Courtney O'Field and Bailey Vandekamp
A great night of music with a great group of kids!! Winter Jam 2013