Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Salt & Light Company Meeting

On Sunday, April 3 from 4-6 pm the Salt & Light Company will be having their regular meeting. Youth in 6th to 12th grade are encouraged to attend. This will be a fun time for youth to get together and learn about God.

April 9th - Helping serve pancakes at the UMM breakfast, followed by helping clean the church

April 10th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

May 15th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

June 12th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

July 10th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

July 20th - Wesley Woods Concert Event (more details to come)

 We will be meeting once per month for a time of fellowship and learning. If you have questions or are interested in helping contact Brian & Katie Bishop or Jill Findley.

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