Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Salt & Light Company Meeting

On Sunday, April 3 from 4-6 pm the Salt & Light Company will be having their regular meeting. Youth in 6th to 12th grade are encouraged to attend. This will be a fun time for youth to get together and learn about God.

April 9th - Helping serve pancakes at the UMM breakfast, followed by helping clean the church

April 10th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

May 15th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

June 12th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

July 10th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

July 20th - Wesley Woods Concert Event (more details to come)

 We will be meeting once per month for a time of fellowship and learning. If you have questions or are interested in helping contact Brian & Katie Bishop or Jill Findley.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Friday Morning Day Camp

Here are some activities from Good Friday Day Camp. The offering was Non-perishable food items or cash donations for Helping Hands food pantry.

 The Grinch stole Easter

Where are the lost sheep?We are looking for lost sheep

 Break time.  They had to set on the floor!