Thursday, December 1, 2011

Childrens Sunday School Christmas Program

Produced and Directed by our Methodist Youth

Sunday December 11 at 5:00 pm

A birthday Party for Jesus!

Refreshments to follow

Tuesday, October 4, 2011



The UNICEF Party was held October 30 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in West Fellowship Hall. Everyone enjoyed the activities of games, crafts, snacks, and most importantly trick-or-treating for UNICEF. 

The kids went around town during the party and collected donations and with the help of the church over $500 was raised to purchase a well for a community with out good drinking water.  . 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Salt & Light Fall schedule


Fall Kick-off for Youth Group - Calling all 7th through 12 grade students to come join us as we kick off the new school year and a new year of the Salt and Light
 Call Brian & Katie Bishop at 828-6933 or Jill Findley at 842-2406 for more information.

October 9 & 234 to 6 pm at church

The youth group camping trip was postponed in September but the group has rescheduled the event for Saturday, October 15 through Sunday, October 16. All youth in 7th through 12th grade are invited to attend and bring friends. We will be camping at the Marion County Sportsman’s Club. If you are interested in attending or if you would like more details call Katie & Brian Bishop (828-6933) or Jill Findley (842-2406).
ber 30 - UNICEF Party –
3 to 6 pm at church
November 13 & 27 - 4 to 6 pm at church

December 4 & 18 - 4 to 6 pm at church

Thursday, June 30, 2011

VBS is comming soon

Dude, It’s All About Jesus…

On those hot summer days the best place to be is the beach! As kids explore the wonders of the beach, they’ll also discover the Big Answers to the Big Questions about Jesus, who He is and why they need Him. At SonSurf Beach Bash VBS, kids learn that there is only one truth: Jesus.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS) for area youth will be held July 24 through July 28 from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m at the First United Methodist Church.

Come early !! for a FREE MEAL FOR THE FAMILY AT 5:30 PM with VBS starting at 6:00 pm. Please sign up early so that meal plans can be made, materials ordered, and special plans can be made for this great event. For more information please contact the church or check out the FUMC website.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thoughts to Live By

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."  1 Tim 4-12

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer Youth Program

The kids will be out of school soon! Do they need some supervised activities for the summer starting in June?
Problem solved the Summer Youth Program will fill those needs meeting week days and providing some FUN, COOL and not boring activities.  Never too late to join in

The Education Cluster would like to take this opportunity to introduce the Summer Youth Interns. Jessica Wallace and Lydia Jahner are the interns for this summer and they will be planning children and youth activities throughout the summer months. Jessica is a junior at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa where she is majoring in Elementary Education with an emphasis in reading and early childhood education. Lydia is a junior at Central College in Pella, Iowa where she is majoring in Russian and Political Science. Both young women have a strong background in leadership and child development activities. They are a blessing to the church, so be sure to thank them as you see them this summer.
Youth Programming Schedule.
                                           On Mondays
We invite the K thru 2nd graders to come from 9 - 10 am for the Explorers Club.  
The Kid’s Club 3rd thru 5th  will meet from 10:30-12 noon
                                             On Wednesdays
 The Summer Youth Groups which make up both groups will meet from 6:30 -8pm

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Go Tim Go

Tim won the 3200 at the Panthers Relays on Saturday and the Knoxville Panthers won the meet running away from the rest.  Congratuations to Tim and the team. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Salt & Light Company Meeting

On Sunday, April 3 from 4-6 pm the Salt & Light Company will be having their regular meeting. Youth in 6th to 12th grade are encouraged to attend. This will be a fun time for youth to get together and learn about God.

April 9th - Helping serve pancakes at the UMM breakfast, followed by helping clean the church

April 10th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

May 15th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

June 12th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

July 10th - Salt & Light Company 4-6

July 20th - Wesley Woods Concert Event (more details to come)

 We will be meeting once per month for a time of fellowship and learning. If you have questions or are interested in helping contact Brian & Katie Bishop or Jill Findley.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Friday Morning Day Camp

Here are some activities from Good Friday Day Camp. The offering was Non-perishable food items or cash donations for Helping Hands food pantry.

 The Grinch stole Easter

Where are the lost sheep?We are looking for lost sheep

 Break time.  They had to set on the floor!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2011 Pinewood Derby

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The scouts held their recent Pinewood Derby race here are some photos of the event - check it out.
Stop back for further information on the Youth blog of the scouting program and more activities.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bowling Party 2:00 to 4:00 pm February 20th

Your are invited to a Bowling Party

A FREE bowling party for all FUMC youth, scouts and Jr. Optimist Club members at the Fairlane Bowling Alley in Knoxville "Home of the Big Pocket". The party will run from 2 till 4 pm. on Sunday afternoon February 20th.  The F.U.N . committee has reserved all their lanes. DID WE SAY FREE! INVITE A FRIEND!

Knoxville’s Coaches vs. Cancer

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Congratuations to Jim and Angie

Over $24,000 Raised At Knoxville’s Coaches vs. Cancer EventPosted: Sunday, February 6th, 2011 at 6:31 am

Author: KNIA/KRLS Sports-Derek Cardwell  Print Version Share

Knoxville wanted to out do last years $12,000 total during their Coaches vs. Cancer event Saturday night. Mission accomplished as Knoxville stepped up and helped raise over $24,000 for the American Cancer Society. According to Church member Angie Utiermarkt, the total will likely go higher when they figure in admission and concession stand money. Over 1,500 people came out to the event that started with alumni basketball games, and silent auction during the basketball games. Knoxville lost both games to Carlisle.
Original posting 11:54PM February 5, 2011 Filed under: Today’s Local NewsKnoxville’s Jim Uitermarkt experienced the price of financial success this week — he hauled 150-pound bags of coins to a bank.
Jim and Angie would like to thank everyone for the support and donations!

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."1 John 4:18 (NASB

Former Knoxville Basketball Standout Lacy Stevenson has had a large impact both on the court for DMACC as well as in the classroom. In a recent game against Ellsworth, Stevenson led the Bears to a 70-37 victory scoring 19 points and drilling 5/7 three point shots. Stevenson was also named the International Association of Conference Center Administrators Scholar Athlete of the Week. In her first semester DMACC she earned a three-point-three/three grade point average majoring in Agriculture Administration.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Up Coming events

Good Friday Day Camp for ages preschool through 5th grade Friday April 22. More details to come next month.

VBS has been tentatively set for Sunday, July 24 through Thursday, July 28

This picture is from last years summer youth program.  Looks like they are having fun.  Wonder if anyone got wet?

VBS has been tentatively set for Sunday, July 24 through Thursday, July 28. I am sure there will be more of the same fun.  Please consider signing up.  More information will be available in the next couple of months.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Discovery Sunday

Discovery Sunday  It's a ministry that expresses the love of God, the joy and forgiveness of Christ, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit through a weekend of spiritual formation for adults and youth at First Church. Discovery Ministries has been changing lives for a decade, and they're still growing and going strong! Check out these exciting facts about Discovery weekends:

•Thousands of youth and adults have reaffirmed their faith
•Discovery is consistently called the largest adult & youth event in individual churches
•Dozens of students have been called into the ministry
It's a proven technique that will empower us through the Holly Spirit to reach own brothers and sisters. Visit to learn more.Congratuations- you have warmed us up

Over $1,000 has been raised and over 200 blankets were purchased for distribution by Church World Services during our recent blanket Sunday. Blankets are used for warmth, to carry belongings, for shade, tents, and beds. Your colored drawings in the hall are great and look like they did make a difference providing 200 blankets for families to share.

More information on where your blankets go.