Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 3 and 4!

Hot Days + A bucket of water= Tons of fun :)

The last two weeks have been great!!! We are now up to 39 kids who have participated in at least one of our sessions!! This number is so exciting! We would love to keep growing in number, so if you have any friends that would like to join us, please bring them along!! We are planning a lock-in for middle school and high school students on Sunday, July 11 from 7pm to 7am Monday morning. Remember, we are more than happy to help out with rides to or from church, so please let us know! We are organizing a fun, day activity for the K-5 group so watch for an update about that! This week's lesson (for those who are interested) will be on honesty! We can all use a little reminder about how important it is to be honest. As always, we'll have a bunch of fun games and activities planned, also! Oh, and don't forget about snacks! :) Can't wait for another great week! Check out the pictures below from our sidewalk chalk adventure and more! :)

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