Wednesday, April 11, 2012

VBS 2012 SonWorld Adventure Park

Congratulations to the graduating seniors! Ross Chrisman and Xenia Macritacia will be recognized on Sunday, May 6th at the 8:30 service for their achievement. We wish them many blessings in their future endeavors.

Thank you to those who served as Sunday school teachers this year!! You are what make the education of our church flow. Please join the Education Committee in thanking these great volunteers on Sunday, May 20 at both services.

There will be no children’s Sunday school classes Memorial Day weekend (May 27th) through Labor Day weekend and will resume the regular schedule on Sunday, September 16.

The dates have been set, July 22–26. The theme has been picked, Son World Adventure Park. Now all we need are some willing volunteers who are ready to have fun sharing the love of Jesus with the children of our church and community. Watch the bulletins in May and June for details and meeting times for those interested in helping with VBS.

The Youth Group will be traveling to the St. Louis area over Memorial Day weekend for a mission trip. The students are excited and will be sharing their experience in June so watch for more details.

Youth Group Meeting Dates for May
Sunday, May 6 from 4 to 6 p.m.; other dates will be set on the 6th by the group

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fundraiser for Youth

On Friday, April 13 join the FUMC Youth for a spaghetti dinner with all the fixings and then stay to watch the movie "Courageous". The meal will be served from 5:30 to 6:30 in WFH and the movie will start at 6:30 in the sanctuary. A free will offering will be taken to help support the Youth trip to Chicago this summer.

Friday, April 6, 2012