Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer Youth Program

The kids will be out of school soon! Do they need some supervised activities for the summer starting in June?
Problem solved the Summer Youth Program will fill those needs meeting week days and providing some FUN, COOL and not boring activities.  Never too late to join in

The Education Cluster would like to take this opportunity to introduce the Summer Youth Interns. Jessica Wallace and Lydia Jahner are the interns for this summer and they will be planning children and youth activities throughout the summer months. Jessica is a junior at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa where she is majoring in Elementary Education with an emphasis in reading and early childhood education. Lydia is a junior at Central College in Pella, Iowa where she is majoring in Russian and Political Science. Both young women have a strong background in leadership and child development activities. They are a blessing to the church, so be sure to thank them as you see them this summer.
Youth Programming Schedule.
                                           On Mondays
We invite the K thru 2nd graders to come from 9 - 10 am for the Explorers Club.  
The Kid’s Club 3rd thru 5th  will meet from 10:30-12 noon
                                             On Wednesdays
 The Summer Youth Groups which make up both groups will meet from 6:30 -8pm