Saturday, January 29, 2011

Up Coming events

Good Friday Day Camp for ages preschool through 5th grade Friday April 22. More details to come next month.

VBS has been tentatively set for Sunday, July 24 through Thursday, July 28

This picture is from last years summer youth program.  Looks like they are having fun.  Wonder if anyone got wet?

VBS has been tentatively set for Sunday, July 24 through Thursday, July 28. I am sure there will be more of the same fun.  Please consider signing up.  More information will be available in the next couple of months.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Discovery Sunday

Discovery Sunday  It's a ministry that expresses the love of God, the joy and forgiveness of Christ, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit through a weekend of spiritual formation for adults and youth at First Church. Discovery Ministries has been changing lives for a decade, and they're still growing and going strong! Check out these exciting facts about Discovery weekends:

•Thousands of youth and adults have reaffirmed their faith
•Discovery is consistently called the largest adult & youth event in individual churches
•Dozens of students have been called into the ministry
It's a proven technique that will empower us through the Holly Spirit to reach own brothers and sisters. Visit to learn more.Congratuations- you have warmed us up

Over $1,000 has been raised and over 200 blankets were purchased for distribution by Church World Services during our recent blanket Sunday. Blankets are used for warmth, to carry belongings, for shade, tents, and beds. Your colored drawings in the hall are great and look like they did make a difference providing 200 blankets for families to share.

More information on where your blankets go.