Thursday, December 5, 2013


The annual FUMC Children's Christmas Program will take place during Sunday service on December 15 at 9:30 am. Join us for this special event as the children help tell the message of Christmas.  There will be refreshments served by the youth in West Fellowship Hall immediately following the program. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

KHS National Honor Society

17 inducted into KHS National Honor Society Chapter

Knoxville — Congratulations to Ben Reichert, Madison Chrisman, and Gerritt Davis,  members of the of the Knoxville HIgh School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Chapter Sponsor Matt Heston told a crowd gathered at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center last night that this is the 84th year of the NHS being a part of Knoxville. Students are chosen for the society based upon scholarship, leadership, character and citizenship.
To be considered, a student must have a 3.25 cumulative grade point average. There were 58 students eligible at KHS based upon this statistic.
Students are then asked to write an essay and KHS faculty have input into the final selection of new members. Heston told the new members that this is a high honor, one that will open doors for them in the next few years.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Church Youth meeting Schedule

  • Sunday, November 10 – 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, November 17 – 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, December   1 - 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, December   8 - 4 to 6 pm
  • Sunday, December 15 - 4 to 6 pm

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Church Youth Hayride

"F.U.N. on the Farm:" Wiener Roast and Hay Ride
The church youth and their friends on a FUN hayrack ride.

Monday, October 7, 2013


First Church – United Methodist Basketball Academy

November 4 – January 15
Grades 5 & 6 – Any skill level encouraged to participate

Boys session Monday & Wednesdays
Girls session Tuesdays & Thursdays
3:30 – 5:00 p.m. at Memorial Hall
Christian environment with fun & fellowship
Teaching basketball skills and good character!

Transportation from school is available—indicate necessity on
Registration form

Director:  Joel Johnson, KHS Varsity Baseball & former Varsity Girls Basketball Coach

5th/6th Grade – 2013 

REGISTRATION FORM               
Need Transportation?   Yes / No

Participant Information:

Name:  ______________________________________

Gender:  Boy / Girl

Address:  ____________________________ 
City: ___________________ 
Zip: ____________

Phone: __________________ 
Email: ________________________________(print clearly)

T-shirt Size:  ______________ 
                      Adult: S-XXL  Youth: S-XL
Last Name for Shirt Back _______________________________

Emergency Contact Information:
Name:  ___________________________________________ Relationship:_______________________
Phone:  ________________ Please indicate any allergies(snacks will be provided) or medical problems staff should be aware of:  ________________________________________________________________________

Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk
The use of the premises, facilities, equipment, and services at Knoxville First United Methodist Church naturally involves risk of injury to you or your guest, whether you or someone else cause it.  As such, you understand and voluntarily accept this risk and agree that Knoxville First United Methodist Church will not be liable for any injury, including, without limitation, personal, bodily, or mental injury, economic loss or any damage to you, your spouse, guests, unborn child, or relatives resulting from the negligence of Knoxville First United Methodist Church or anyone on Knoxville First United Methodist Church’s behalf or anyone using the facilities. 

Picture Release
I hereby give my consent to let my child be photographed for use by the Knoxville First United Methodist Church to be used in newspaper or other media.  No names except First United Methodist Church will be used.
___________________                 __________________________________________
Date                                                                        Signature of Parent or Guardian

COST:  $25.00           
Mail or deliver to church office or bring to orientation meeting on Sunday, October 27 at 5:30 p.m., basement of First United Methodist Church.  Checks payable to First United Methodist Church.

Scholarships available upon request based on economic need and hardship.  Please contact Joel Johnson at, or call 641-891-9739, or stop by church office. 

Please attend an orientation meeting Sunday, October 27 at 5:30 p.m., basement of First United Methodist Church, 313 East Montgomery.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


 3rd Graders Receiving Their Bibles

Here are some of the 3rd Graders receiving their Bibles Sunday, Oct. 6th.  An interesting fact was attached to each wrapping of paper around each Bible of which there were several colored wrappings on each Bible.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Youth in the News

Who is this Good looking Dude - congratulations to the Homecoming court!
Journal photo