Thursday, June 27, 2013


“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”” -Matthew 19:14


is going on




We will not be having VBS on Wednesday, July 24 due to RAGBRAI.  VBS is starting each night at 5:30 with a meal served in West Fellowship Hall and will continue from 6:00 to 8:15 with Bible stories, games, and crafts.  Please invite your kids, grandkids, neighbors and friends to come join this fun event where kids get to know Jesus. 

The mission project for VBS this year is “Imagine No Malaria”. Kids will learn how malaria affects lives every day and how we can help prevent it from spreading.  Every 30 seconds, an innocent child in Africa dies of malaria.  A loving daughter, a future doctor, a beloved grandson, a best friend – malaria takes more than 1 million lives each year.  Malaria is preventable, treatable, and beatable.  Making a gift of just $10 will buy a net to protect an entire family in Africa with 100% of contributions to this ministry going to the fight against malaria.  If you would like to donate please indicate “imagine no malaria” in the memo of your check or on a love envelope. 

We will also be having some special theme nights as are listed below:
o        Sunday – "Jesus is our friend!"                                     Come as you are to the FIESTA -

o        Monday -  "Jesus is our life!"
 FIESTA Hat Night – Wear your wildest hat -
o        Tuesday – " Jesus is our Leader"
 FIESTA Flip Flops – Wear your funniest flip flops


Thursday - "Jesus is my Savior"
                    FIESTA Sunglasses – Wear your wildest sunglasses

Friday -   Last night ov VBS
– FIESTA wear –Wear your best party outfit

The week will conclude on Friday night at 8:00 p.m. with a short program.  We encourage all our VBS participants to come back with their families and join us on Sunday, July 28 for a special performance during our 9:00 a.m. worship service.  Registration forms are available on page 8 of this newsletter and can be dropped off at the church office.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Colorado Here We Come

FUMC Youth ready to go to Colorado! See everyone in a week after our Week of Hope.
FUMC Youth ready to go to Colorado! See everyone in a week after our Week of Hope.
We made it! Bring on Week of Hope!!

Are we there yet?? So bored with Nebraska that they all fell asleep. Then waved at all the cars.
Big Red Country

Are we there yet?? So bored with Nebraska that they all fell asleep. Then waved at all the cars.
Bye mom - Youth are officially in Colorado!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Ø June 2nd – 4 to 6pm meet at church
Ø June 9th – 4 to 6 pm meet at the church.
Ø June 16th - Youth are expected to be at church at 9 am. No meeting in afternoon – spend time with your Dad and family